Finding the Perfect Mother’s Day Gift: StoryWorth

Public reminder: MOTHER’S DAY IS THIS WEEKEND!!! 

It’s always been a struggle to find the perfect gift that lets my mom know that she’s the most amazing mom in the world! Probably the reason it’s such a struggle is because there is no gift that can adequately say thank you for the years of my mom’s selfless love, prayer, and support. But one of the best gifts that I’ve found, and that we’ve been recommending for the past few years, has been the memory-preserving gift of StoryWorth.

As I get older, I am realizing more and more how much I appreciate family. There is so much that we’ve experienced and lived through together. I’m now 30, which means I’m around the same age that my mom and dad were when they had me! Which has made me realize how little I know about those years of their lives. 

What was it like for my parents starting a family or a new career? It’s been amazing to talk with my mom and learn more about those years and her life pre-me! :) For example, my mom and I both lived near Washington DC right after college. I knew this and saw pictures of her life in DC while I was growing up, but never really cared! It wasn’t until I was living there and telling her about my favorite places to visit that I started realizing how little I knew about those years of my mom’s life and how special they must have been for her! 

Not only is learning more about my parent’s lives been really interesting, but it’s also brought us closer together. It’s helped me see what they’ve gone through and the incredible sacrifices that they made for me and my brothers. I love that as I get older, my mom has become one of my best friends. 

This is one of the many reasons why StoryWorth is one of the very best gifts we’ve found for Mother’s Day. It’s a way to preserve a lifetime of memories in a way that isn’t overwhelming. The way it works is that each week, your mom receives an email with a thoughtful, custom question about her life. You can choose from a list of Storyworth’s recommended questions, or make up your own – and the questions are divided up in a way that makes answering them quick and easy. StoryWorth then emails her reply to the custom list of family/friends you’ve set up. For us, the StoryWorth replies became a highlight of our week that we looked forward to reading and talking about together! At the end of the year, StoryWorth combines all the memories into a custom made book. Receiving that custom book was like reading a professionally published family biography! 

StoryWorth makes the perfect last-minute gift! There’s no shipping, wrapping, or aimless walking through the store hoping that the perfect gift idea suddenly jumps out at you! It’s the ideal gift for both your mom and for your whole family to all treasure for a lifetime!


Hudson and Emily


We RVed the 50 states and now we’re on a mission to visit every country in the world! In addition to this blog, we share daily travel videos on Tiktok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram. We’d love to have you follow along to see the world with us. More about us here.



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