Night Walk Tour: Exploring Costa Rica’s Nocturnal Wildlife

best things to do in Costa Rica

Night Walk Tour with Sol Monteverde

Costa Rica is teaming with wildlife! Since the majority of the wildlife is nocturnal, the rainforest truly comes to life at night. So we figured what better way to experience the Monteverde wildlife than with a Monteverde Night Walk Tour! We booked this experience with Sol Monteverde through Costa Rican Treasures.

Before the tour Em wasn’t too sure about walking through the Costa Rican jungle at night hoping to find snakes, tarantulas, and other “creepy crawlies.” However, our night walk tour guide did an amazing job identifying the animals! He explained what we were looking for and how different animals behave in this environment. Since it was raining we weren’t sure if we would even see any wildlife. (Which usually is a good thing if you don’t see a snake or tarantula!  =) But we were amazed that even despite the rain, our guide was able to spot two green vipers, a tarantula, frogs, dozens of birds, and several insects! We were both really glad we went and learned so much about Costa Rica’s incredible animal nightlife!

~ Read our 16 Best Things To Do in Costa Rica post for more ideas on what to experience in this beautiful country!


Hudson and Emily


We RVed the 50 states and now we’re on a mission to visit every country in the world! In addition to this blog, we share daily travel videos on Tiktok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram. We’d love to have you follow along to see the world with us. More about us here.



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