Risking Your Life

11124690_10204101513565951_6699872837959744816_nCan I tell you an incredible story?

Last night, my sweet 2-year-old cousin Walker accidentally bumped a parked van into neutral, and it started rolling straight toward a bank with a 15 foot drop.

As it picked up speed, my Uncle Fred risked his life to save his son.

He sprinted after the van, dove through its door, and cradled Walker in his arms as they fell over the bank together. They were ejected from the van and it rolled over my uncle’s legs, crossed the street, and ultimately smashed into a tree. They are both okay and we are so, so incredibly thankful for the miracle of their lives.

But the more I think about their story, the more I realize this is the story of us all.

Our lives are in neutral. We are falling over the bank, and headed toward the valley of death. But just like Uncle Fred risked his life to save his son, so Jesus risked His own life – and in fact, gave His life – so that we…the children of God…could live. He is here, ready to cradle us in His arms if we will only let Him.

I pray that tonight, you will know how loved you are and what a blessing this life is.


Hudson and Emily


We RVed the 50 states and now we’re on a mission to visit every country in the world! In addition to this blog, we share daily travel videos on Tiktok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram. We’d love to have you follow along to see the world with us. More about us here.



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