Pretending To Be Perfect

pretending to be perfectLet’s get real. Sometimes it can be fun pretending to be perfect. But the truth is, I’m nowhere close to perfect. I’ve learned a lot of things these past two weeks, and had a lot of “whoops” moments. Thought I’d share my top five whoops moments of the week with ya. Here’s to not being perfect!

1. “I’ll have dinner ready by 5” doesn’t mean start at 4:55. Whoops.

2. I should really buy some stock in a paper towel company. Bought a roll of paper towels Friday and it was gone by Monday. Whoops.

3. Creative DIYs are not my thing. I tried to be thrifty and do handmade curtains, but ended up in a crying mess over it. Whoops.

4. A “clove” of garlic is one little piece inside the thing of garlic you buy at the grocery store. When a recipe calls for nine cloves of garlic, it doesn’t mean you buy nine huge things. Whoops.

5. To the sketchy guy who pounded on my door at 6:30 PM when my husband’s not home. Sorry, not going to answer. Oh wait, you were delivering a package for me and now I have to walk to the leasing office to get it? Whoops.

What were some of your “whoops” moments this week?

photo credit: .reid. via photopin cc (edited)


Hudson and Emily


We RVed the 50 states and now we’re on a mission to visit every country in the world! In addition to this blog, we share daily travel videos on Tiktok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram. We’d love to have you follow along to see the world with us. More about us here.



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